King of public transit planning!
All-in-one app for public transit🚍 trip planner (door to door),⏱️ live departure times (including delays),📌 nearby stations (also on a map) and🗺️ interactive network plans.Offi makes use of official time table and connection data of the selected public transit authority! This ensures that disruptions become visible as soon as the transit authority has included them with the data.The app has no advertisements and doesnt track you! Offi will use your private data only for providing the requested information and not for other means. The app is open source, free software and is thus a community project.Supported countries🇺🇸 USA (Philadelphia, Chicago)🇦🇺 Australia (Sydney, New South Wales, Melbourne, Victoria)🇪🇺 Europe🇬🇧 United Kingdom (TL)🇮🇪 Ireland🇩🇪 Germany (DB)🇦🇹 Austria (ÖBB)🇮🇹 Italy🇧🇪 Belgium (NMBS, SNCB, De Lijn, TEC)🇱🇺 Luxembourg🇱🇮 Liechtenstein🇳🇱 Netherlands (Amsterdam)🇩🇰 Denmark (DSB)🇸🇪 Sweden (SJ)🇳🇴 Norway (Oslo & Bergen)🇫🇮 Finland🇵🇱 Poland (PKP)🇫🇷 France (Provence-Alpes-Côte dAzur)Supported Cities and Regions🔸 Chicago (RTA)🔸 Austin (CMTA, CapMetro)🔸 Sydney & New South Wales🔸 London (TfL)🔸 Birmingham🔸 Liverpool🔸 Dublin🔸 Dubai (RTA)🔸 Berlin & Brandenburg (BVG, VBB)🔸 Hamburg (HVV)🔸 Frankfurt & Rhine-Main (RMV)🔸 Munich/München (MVV, MVG)🔸 Augsburg (AVV)🔸 Schwerin & Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (VMV)🔸 Rostock (RSAG)🔸 Kiel, Lübeck & Schleswig-Holstein (🔸 Hannover & Lower Saxony (GVH)🔸 Göttingen & South Lower Saxony (VSN)🔸 Braunschweig (BSVAG)🔸 Bremen (BSAG)🔸 Bremerhaven & Oldenburg (VBN)🔸 Leipzig & Saxony-Anhalt (NASA)🔸 Dresden (DVB, VVO)🔸 Chemnitz & Mittelsachsen (VMS)🔸 Essen, Dortmund, Düsseldorf & Rhine-Ruhr (VRR)🔸 Cologne/Köln, Bonn (KVB, VRS)🔸 Lüdenscheid & Märkischer Kreis (MVG)🔸 Paderborn & Höxter (nph)🔸 Mannheim & Rhine-Neckar (VRN)🔸 Stuttgart (VVS)🔸 Reutlingen & Neckar-Alb-Donau (NALDO)🔸 Ulm (DING)🔸 Karlsruhe (KVV)🔸 Trier (VRT)🔸 Nuremberg/Nürnberg, Fürth & Erlangen (VGN)🔸 Würzburg & Regensburg (VVM)🔸 Strasbourg & Freiburg🔸 Baden-Württemberg (NVBW)🔸 Plauen & Vogtland (VVV)🔸 Vienna/Wien, Lower Austria & Burgenland🔸 Upper Austria (OÖVV)🔸 Linz (Linz AG)🔸 Salzburg🔸 Innsbruck (IVB)🔸 Graz & Styria (STV)🔸 Bregenz & Vorarlberg🔸 Basel (BVB)🔸 Lucerne/Luzern (VBL)🔸 Zurich/Zürich (ZVV)🔸 Brussels/Brüssel (STIB, MIVB)🔸 Copenhagen/Kopenhagen (Metro)🔸 Stockholm (SL)🔸 Warsaw/Warschau (ZTM)and more...Description of requested permissions🔸 Full network access, because Offi needs to query information services for departures and disruptions.🔸 Location, so Offi can show nearby stations and navigate you from your current location.🔸 Contacts, so Offi can route you to or from your contacts.Each update contains changes necessary for the various APIs by the transport authorities.v12.0🔸 Offi now requires Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or higher.🔸 Introduce dark UI mode and other UI improvements on Android 10 (and higher) devices.v11.4🔸 Show distance to station in the app-widget.🔸 Request background location permission only on setup of the app-widget.v11.3🔸 Remove the caching system in Öffi Stations as it led to too much stale data.
It's broken again
Been using this app for Years! I love it.
Ich habe immer das Problem sowohl beim DB Navigator als auch den Offi Planner und zwar. Mir wurde nicht alle mögliche Verbindungen gezeigt. Besonders auf der Strecke zwischen Dortmund und Düsseldorf wo immer andere Zuge geben, die niemals gezeigt wurden. Bitte darauf achten ! Danke!
Lange gerne genutzt. Stürzt nun leider bei jeder Suche ab.
Best public transport buddy 😉 We love open source!
Promising app but map for Krakow gives "server not found".
No dark mode. It shows only a very limited amount of connections.
I love the app overall. But please make the app optional. I recently switched my custom rom and now its showing a super unhelpful narrow map next to the connection search. Probably due to the 1440p display.
I actually love to use this app. The only catch by now is the map that is constantly there. Reason #1 I honestly can't see anything on it properly. #2 it makes the search engine isplay smaller as well and therefore #3 constantly distracts me. And I havn't found if or where I can make it disappear. I rarely need a map anyway and I would prefer if it was optional like it used to be.
Pay heed to the King of Public Transport! ;)